Chapter 3: Fun With Telekinesis

As good as it felt to free Ermac from Shao Kahn's control, Kenshi knew he needed to focus on finding and killing Shang Tsung. He made up his mind and decided to continue his journey tomorrow after resting for the night.

"What if we were to tell you that we can assist you?" Ermac suggested, surprising Kenshi. "We can sense untapped potential within you."

Kenshi was intrigued by Ermac's offer. Anything that could possibly give him an edge over Shang Tsung was more than welcome, and he did notice that their telekinesis was far stronger than his during their battle.

"If it can help me defeat Shang Tsung, then I'll gladly train with you, Ermac," Kenshi answered. He could sense a pulse of energy emanating from Ermac at that response, but unlike in their battle, there was no real malice to be found.

"Very well... do be warned that we will be a strict teacher," Ermac told Kenshi as their green glow faded. "We will push you to your limits so that you may surpass them. Are you prepared for this, Kenshi?"

"I am!" Kenshi announced, tightening his blindfold. He was not expecting Ermac to train him, but he welcomed this development all the same.

Kombat is the best way for two warriors to learn more about each other, and I will admit this Ermac person has me intrigued, Kenshi thought.

Three days later...

"Am I doing this correctly?" Kenshi asked as he used his telekinesis to slam Ermac into the ground. He could feel his telekinesis growing stronger each time he used it during training.

"Your ki grows stronger with each battle, Kenshi. Keep practicing!" Ermac replied. The mock battles continued, from dawn to dusk.

One week passed since the mock battles began...

The sun was beginning to set, and Kenshi and Ermac stood on opposite sides of a line Ermac had drawn in the dirt.

"We may only use our telekinesis in this battle, right?" Kenshi asked.

"That is the rule, Kenshi," Ermac answered. "Defeat us with nothing but your ki, and we will allow you to graduate. We will attempt to do the same to you. We hope you are ready for this.

